Water Efficiency
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Santa Ana Madera is Rancho Santana’s on-site construction company
Santa Ana Madera, Rancho Santana’s furniture maker and construction company collaborates with businesses and individual artisans to source locally grown and organic materials whenever possible.
Santa Ana Madera’s main goal in regards to its sustainable practices can be summed up in one word: reuse. From some of their buildings, built from old shipping containers equipped with supporting solar power, to the sawdust used as a key element for composting systems, they focus their efforts and creativity on reuse to ensure nothing goes to waste.
Working hand-in-hand with the Nicaraguan Forestry Department, Santa Ana Madera has also planted or contributed to the planting of thousands of trees in Nicaragua – more than 100,000, in fact – a number they aim to increase with each passing year.
Lastly, they take pride in their production and commitment to the community – be it in construction, or our wood or iron works – all of which is a testament to the incredible Nicaraguan skill, passion and flavor of their members. Santa Ana Madera team. For this reason, they focus on developing carpenters and blacksmiths from our own local communities, so they commit to employing around 300 people from in and around the communities surrounding Rancho Santana.
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